The Petiquette Dog

Dog  Behavior Training Help in Houston

Did you go through another day of “trying” to deal with your dog’s crazy behavior?

He used to be a good dog right? What the heck is going on!

All of a sudden, he’s just gotten weird. You have a dog that is acting out, getting into everything and you’re at a loss as to why.

You simply want your dog to behave as though he likes you, wants to be with you and does what you ask:

A reliable set of behaviors.

Let’s have a look. See dogs are not that different than kids with what they require to be well behaved – we just don’t think about that.

But first – you two have to start “speaking” a language your dog understands.

Wait wait, – trust me – it’s super easy and pretty much revolves around body language with a good foundation of::

Structure | Trust | Consistency | Reassurance | Rules  | Clear, Consistent Expectations 

We owe it to our dog to learn how to teach them in a way they understand.

Teaching them positive behaviors goes hand in hand with building a great relationship of trust and love with your dog .

So instead of staying frustrated and irritated, let’s work together you, me, and your dog to get back on track.

It’s simple. Private in-home lessons using positive reinforcement.

I give you a step-by-step system that flows right in line with your everyday schedule.

Our partnership includes personalized training that works for you, with you, your dog and your life.

Daily email support that helps keep you on track, deal with frustrations or questions. Go ahead – pick my brain.

The best part I come to YOU – in your home; on your timetable. After all that’s pretty much where the behavior starts the downward spiral right?

We need to go outside to deal with outside issues? We do that! It’s your training, your schedule, your needs.

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