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Trending Dog Breeds


Seizures In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments

Dog seizures are defined as involuntary convulsions or fits in which there is a disruption in normal brain activity resulting in a loss of muscular control. They could cause a person to pass out, although it doesn’t always happen. Dogs may experience seizures for a variety of causes, however occasionally the cause is not recognized. If the seizures are persistent, epilepsy, a seizure disease, may be the reason. Dog seizures can range from little twitches or trembling to collapse and total loss of motor function. They could go on for a few minutes or a few seconds. They may be terrifying to see and are quite worrying. Your dog may

Most Common Ways Dogs Are Accidentally Poisoned

5 of The Most Common Ways Dogs Are Accidentally Poisoned

Even though hundreds of pet poisoning incidents occur each year in the United States alone, we all believe that we understand the fundamentals of keeping our dogs safe. Things that are safe for people to handle and consume, such as some foods and prescription drugs we could use on a regular basis, can be quite problematic for dogs. In addition, unintentional poisoning can result in cardiac and respiratory distress, gastrointestinal and neurological problems, coma, and even death in dogs. Therefore, it’s critical for conscientious pet owners to be aware of the potential causes of dog poisoning. It’s ideal to inform and educate our fellow dog lovers during Pet Poison Prevention

How to Poison-Proof Your Home for Your Dog

How to Poison-Proof Your Home for Your Dog

Even if your house might not appear like a disaster waiting to happen, inquisitive dogs may find hazards hidden everywhere. There are many potentially harmful items in a home that might cause major injury to your dog. It’s essential to take precautionary measures to guarantee your fur baby’s safety as a conscientious pet parent. The following are typical home objects that pose a risk to pets; it is imperative that you keep them out of your dog’s reach. This is how to make your house poison-proof. Keep medicines out of reach Make sure that all of your dog’s medications are stored in locked cupboards. Even over-the-counter drugs have potential side

Lost Dog Syndrome

Everything You Need To Know About Lost Dog Syndrome

In the realm of human psychology, where emotions often intertwine with cognitive processes, phenomena such as “Lost Dog Syndrome” or “Lost Puppy Syndrome” provide intriguing insights into our behavior and emotional responses. This syndrome refers to a specific psychological state experienced by individuals who feel a profound sense of loss, even when what they’ve lost is replaceable or relatively insignificant in material terms. Understanding Lost Dog Syndrome Lost Dog Syndrome manifests when individuals experience distress and sadness after losing something with sentimental value, such as a pet or a personal possession imbued with emotional significance. Despite the object being replaceable, the emotional impact can be disproportionately intense. The name “Lost

Dog Aggression Toward People

Dog Aggression Toward People: Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

Dogs may be aggressive in many different ways, but none is possibly more dangerous than hostility against people. Human-directed aggressiveness may be quite harmful, not only for the human who may be hurt but also for the dog who may end up put down because of its violent tendencies. The environment greatly influences a dog’s propensity for aggression, even if heredity also plays a part. The best line of defense against an issue of aggressiveness in your dog is early socialization. Nevertheless, especially when adopting dogs from shelters, we don’t often get to choose how old our dogs are when we bring them home. In addition to teaching your dog

Home Dog Grooming Tips

Home Dog Grooming Tips

Your dog is attempting self-grooming if you have observed them chew and lick at their fur, rub or roll around on the rug. Have you ever attempted a self-haircut? Then again, even Fido could use a little assistance from time to time. But if you believe that every time your dog’s mane seems a bit out of control, you should visit a groomer, think again. Rinse, trim, brush, and pat dry. Repeat after rinsing. That is all that is necessary. You really can maintain your dog’s grooming! All you need are some good dog owners’ home grooming suggestions. Grooming should be a pleasure It might be difficult for you and

Dermatomyositis In Dogs

Dermatomyositis In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments

Dermatomyositis in dogs is a genetic, immune-mediated illness that affects the skin, muscles, and blood vessels. The illness is particularly frequent in Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, and crossbreeds. It primarily affects young canines, although it can develop in adults as well. Symptoms include inflammation and skin lesions that begin before canines reach six months of age, sometimes as early as seven weeks after birth. When the illness manifests itself early in childhood, it is frequently more severe than when it arises in maturity. Lesions’ intensity might fluctuate and rise or decrease over time. In extreme cases, dogs may experience muscular atrophy, stunted development, lameness, an enlarged esophagus, and sores on the

Best Calm, Low-Energy, Couch Potato Dog Breeds

7 Best Calm, Low-Energy, Couch Potato Dog Breeds

Some canines are noted for their great energy and insatiable need to run and play. If such energy isn’t released and channeled, it might turn harmful. Therefore, a more laid-back, even lazy dog breed could be more appropriate for some people. The dogs on this list are satisfied to spend part of the day in modest activity, but for the most part, they are content to be couch potatoes and hang out with their people. Did the breed of your dog make our list of the best dogs for couch potatoes? Then, DogTime suggests that you get your low-energy dog this squeaker rope toy to help keep them busy! These

Osteochondritis Dissecans in dog

Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) in Dogs

OCD is not a disorder that causes your dog to repeatedly check on their buried bones or wash their paws. Osteochondritis dissecans, a painful joint condition affecting the knees, elbows, and shoulders, is referred to here as OCD. Typically, OCD affects dogs of huge breeds. In Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Great Danes, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Saint Bernards, it is very prevalent. Not every large breed has vulnerabilities. Collies, Doberman Pinschers, and Siberian Huskies are less prone to suffer from OCD. OCD is often detected in pups between the ages of four and eight months, with fast bone growth being the most common cause. That does, however, infrequently occur

Dog Obesity

Dog Obesity: Causes & How To Tell If Your Dog Is Overweight

Dog obesity is a health issue that exists year-round, but October 9th is National Pet Obesity Awareness Day. Dog obesity is nearly as frequent as human obesity. In fact, according to experts, 56% of dogs in the US are thought to be overweight or obese. These additional pounds have equally grave health effects on dogs, since they increase the strain on their hearts, lungs, liver, kidneys, and joints. They are more vulnerable to harm and are in greater danger after undergoing surgery. They also probably don’t feel good about it. Fit dogs have vitality, curiosity, and fun; obese canines lack these qualities. Dogs can’t choose to exercise more or go

Seizures In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments

Dog seizures are defined as involuntary convulsions or fits in which there is a disruption in normal brain activity resulting in a loss of muscular control. They could cause a person to pass out, although it doesn’t always happen. Dogs may experience seizures for a variety of causes, however occasionally the cause is not recognized. If the seizures are persistent, epilepsy, a seizure disease, may be the reason. Dog seizures can range from little twitches or trembling to collapse and total loss of motor function. They could go on for a few minutes or a few seconds. They may be terrifying to see and are quite worrying. Your dog may

Most Common Ways Dogs Are Accidentally Poisoned

5 of The Most Common Ways Dogs Are Accidentally Poisoned

Even though hundreds of pet poisoning incidents occur each year in the United States alone, we all believe that we understand the fundamentals of keeping our dogs safe. Things that are safe for people to handle and consume, such as some foods and prescription drugs we could use on a regular basis, can be quite problematic for dogs. In addition, unintentional poisoning can result in cardiac and respiratory distress, gastrointestinal and neurological problems, coma, and even death in dogs. Therefore, it’s critical for conscientious pet owners to be aware of the potential causes of dog poisoning. It’s ideal to inform and educate our fellow dog lovers during Pet Poison Prevention

How to Poison-Proof Your Home for Your Dog

How to Poison-Proof Your Home for Your Dog

Even if your house might not appear like a disaster waiting to happen, inquisitive dogs may find hazards hidden everywhere. There are many potentially harmful items in a home that might cause major injury to your dog. It’s essential to take precautionary measures to guarantee your fur baby’s safety as a conscientious pet parent. The following are typical home objects that pose a risk to pets; it is imperative that you keep them out of your dog’s reach. This is how to make your house poison-proof. Keep medicines out of reach Make sure that all of your dog’s medications are stored in locked cupboards. Even over-the-counter drugs have potential side

Lost Dog Syndrome

Everything You Need To Know About Lost Dog Syndrome

In the realm of human psychology, where emotions often intertwine with cognitive processes, phenomena such as “Lost Dog Syndrome” or “Lost Puppy Syndrome” provide intriguing insights into our behavior and emotional responses. This syndrome refers to a specific psychological state experienced by individuals who feel a profound sense of loss, even when what they’ve lost is replaceable or relatively insignificant in material terms. Understanding Lost Dog Syndrome Lost Dog Syndrome manifests when individuals experience distress and sadness after losing something with sentimental value, such as a pet or a personal possession imbued with emotional significance. Despite the object being replaceable, the emotional impact can be disproportionately intense. The name “Lost

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